Into the Wilde /
The Entangled Life
Group Show
“The Entangled Life,” a group show presented by Fondation LAccolade and the Institut de France from November 17 to 30, 2022, is a phenomenal alliance between the Foundation’s creator, Catherine Dobler, and curator Christopher Yggdre.
The title of the season and the show comes from Merlin Sheldrake’s book on mycelia and fungi. Using a detailed understanding of the fungal kingdom, the author paints a portrait of organisms that are sociable and connected, fibers weaving life into a single, selfsame weft. The title of the season and the show comes from Merlin Sheldrake’s book on mycelia and fungi. Using a detailed understanding of the fungal kingdom, the author paints a portrait of organisms that are sociable and connected, fibers weaving life into a single, selfsame weft.
No comprehension of life is possible without conceiving it as an entanglement, an intertwining, a mesh. These notions oppose that of separation. To create connections with life is to interlace that which has been unlaced, neglected; it is to argue that entanglement is the architecture of life in all its scope and diversity; it is to accept being part of a mesh with non-humans and all the elements of nature.
Curator: Christopher Yggdre
Curatorial assistance and mediation: Fabiha Hyatt
Texts : @fondationlaccolade, @christopheryggdre
With the artists:
Gabriela Flores del Pozo
LES MATRIBIOTES (collective)
Luz Moreno Pinart
November 2022